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Writer's pictureLynette Pettinicchi

Chicago Marathon: 12 Weeks Down, 6 Weeks To Go

It makes sense that a jam-packed summer flew by, and though I'm looking forward to the newness and refresh that fall brings, it is a bit sad to see my favorite season go.

There is one major thing on my calendar for fall - the Chicago Marathon.

The last update I shared was at the beginning of training where I topped off week 3 with my first solo triathlon (sprint distance).

Today, I just wrapped week 12.

And I am thrilled with my progress. As mentioned, I've been struggling with my long runs the past few years - coincidentally everything after 2020.

Having had such a strong 12 weeks has truly boosted my confidence though that doesn't mean there haven't been setbacks!

I tapped out of one of my long runs in July at 11.25 miles vs the planned 14, paces were missed, and some weeks had fewer running days than others due to travel.

Life is always baked into training plans. I've known this since I started using them over 10 years ago. Training your mind to accept that things come up is just as important as training your body to run 26.2 miles. Dwell, accept, and move on - a negative mindset can affect future workouts.

A few weeks ago Bandit sent out their newsletter with tips from Steve Finely that echo the above sentiment:

4. No one is expecting you to do 100% of your training plan
How does 80% sound? 16 weeks is 112 days. 80% of 112 is 90 and that leaves room for 22 days of a little thing called "life" to come into play. (Don't check our math.) Weddings, social life, work, injuries, storms, family matters... there's so much that will wedge its way between you and your training. That's expected and it's baked into the plan. Try to prioritize your speed workouts and more importantly, your long runs. 

As I continue this back half of training, I'm starting to repeat Tuesday speed workouts I did earlier in this build. Comparing the now and then has been a great indicator of my progress and what I could still work on.

The starvation and exhaustion are starting to creep up now too so that can only mean one thing...peak week is near!

Last week I did my first 18-miler with Endorphins Running where I got around 10.25 miles in before meeting the group for my last 8. Surprisingly, I felt great the entire time. Whether it was the weather, the conversation, or my training paying off, I will take what I can get!

A major change to this marathon is my fuel and that is simply because I didn't order what I normally have been using (you can't get SIS in stores). So this is truly a me problem. Though the Honey Stinger gels have been working their magic so fingers crossed.

Today, I survived my only 20-miler of this cycle. The first 14 miles were incredibly strong and I felt great, but the last 10K was a slog. I did the first 6.25 solo (shoutout to the construction team on 20th Ave that forgot to lock their porta potty for the weekend!), then scooped my friend and Hellgate teammate Jesus and we cruised through Brooklyn. The sign that everything was going to go downhill was when, before we hit 10 miles, I said no, we don't need to slow down, I feel great. Famous last words! We parted ways when I got to the BK Bridge which is where my legs got cooked.

The last 10K was a slog. I had to pause for a few 'get your shit together' breaks during the last four miles. At mile 19.7 I got a nice surprise and ran into my friend Amanda and stopped to chat for a second before bringing the run home.

Overall, it wasn't great but it wasn't the worst. I was fueled properly with my gels but perhaps a little under-hydrated. I'm satisfied with it and feel good about moving forward with the next six weeks.

I put these goals out to the world at the halfway mark of training:

A - Pettinicchi fam marathon record

B - Regular sub-4

C - PR (sub-4:29)

D - Finish

Evaluating where I'm at, pending no major injuries or illness in the coming weeks (hoping I didn't just jinx myself), I'm confident that I'm in PR shape and I'll be able to check my C goal off.

That sub-4 or bust? Time will tell if I can accomplish or get close.

My most important goal is to have a good, solid race. One where I am not crying in the finish chute.

For now, I’ve got a cutback week coming up, then another 18-miler, and I’ll be wrapping it up with a 22-miler before heading straight into the taper.

What fall marathon are you racing? Are you feeling ready? Tell me in the comments!



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